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3502 Lakeview Parkway
Rowlett, TX 75088

Highly visible neighborhood shopping center anchored by Aldi Grocery, Goody Goody Liquor, and Harbor Freight. The property is situated along Lakeview Parkway exposing Tenants to over 40,000 vehicles per day.  According to GPS tracking data, this Aldi store ranks in the Top 10 of all Aldi stores in a 50-mile radius.  Nearby traffic generators: Target, Walmart, Taco Bell, Big Lots, Chase Bank, CVS, Walgreens, and Sprouts.   



  3 Mile 5 Mile
Population 69,790 208,389
Daytime Population 14,537 47,927
Avg HH Income ($) 111,652 97,109

Traffic Counts

Rowlett Rd 31,610 VPD
Lakeview Pky 45,350 VPD


County: Dallas
Total SF: 56,147

Leasing Contact

JAH Realty
1717 Main Street, Suite 2600
Dallas, Texas 75201
p.  214-220-0274